How can I cancel my enrollment and auto-debit?

There are three options for cancelling your enrollment and your auto-debit. You can email hello@inspyrarts.com, or call 562-786-9075 (Monday-Friday, 3:30pm-6pm), or you can cancel at your convenience by logging into your account at www.inspyrarts.com/account/login

IMPORTANT: please be aware that you are responsible for cancelling your account and auto-debit. If you leave Inspyr Arts without notifying us or cancelling your account by logging in at the above link, you will not be refunded for any charges made to your card.

Do you offer birthday parties, scout badge earning events, or private parties?


Do you provide makeup classes for missed classes?

Yes, makeup classes are granted to students who miss class whether they miss the class for personal reasons or if Inspyr Arts cancels the class for any reason. However, there is a maximum of 4 makeup class credits at any given time. Once credits are used, more makeup classes can be credited to a maximum of 4.

Can I pay with cash or check?

You can pay with cash or check for one-time courses, camps, and special events.

For our ongoing classes, we do not accept cash or check. All transactions must go through the website. Ongoing classes (not courses, camps, or special events) are auto-debited each month. We do not offer any alternative to auto-debit for our ongoing classes. The only exception to this is for homeschool students. For homeschool students payments are received from the charter school they are associated with.

Do you offer discounts for siblings or if my child takes more than one class each week?

Unfortunately, no, due to limited seating, we can’t offer discounts for siblings or if you or your child takes more than one class. All students must pay full price for each class, course, camp, or special event.